Banking, Finance & Insurance
EqS is the appropriate advisor for an international Private Equity firm, bank, insurance company or other financial institution willing to develop its business in Italy.
Thanks to its excellent relationships within the financial community and to its broad experience, EqS has been involved in many projects and transactions in the banking, finance and insurance industries both for domestic and international clients. EqS support may be focussed on various practises including: market analysis searching for targets in Italy (as we already did in casualty insurance), or on feasibility studies on the Italian market (as we already did for the creation of a Sicav specialised in Future & Options with an International Investment bank) or on the valuation aspects of an M&A transaction (as we did on a target insurance company for a UK Private Equity fund) or on human resources aspects (we advised in training the account officers of a securities house) or on organisation aspects (we acted as advisor in the organisation of the front office of a small security house).
Our clients include top tier financial institutions based in the city and in the US. Clients appoint EqS as their advisor because they rely upon our wide international experience, our seniority, our integrity. Financial institutions are comfortable with EqS Equity Studio in Italy: we speak the same language, we share the same values.