Corporate Finance
EqS Equity Studio has a large experience in assisting clients in Corporate Finance transactions in Italy, including Leveraged Buyouts, M&A and Private Equity deals, assisting either in the deal execution or in the related transaction services such as Financial Due Diligence.
EqS Equity Studio typical engagement would start with the assessment of the client's Corporate Finance needs in Italy and would include the assistance to the whole M&A, LBO or Private Equity deal. In a M&A sale mandate this would include the whole process from the preparation of the Information Memorandum to the deal arranging while in a M&A acquisition process this would start with our marketing analysis services up to the Transaction Services post-closing of a deal.
Depending on the type of client and its needs, our support may also focus on a single Transaction Service of the M&A or Private Equity process (such as preparing a Letter of Intent based on our contractual experience both international and in Italy, or analysing single contractual or accounting issue or focussing on a single Transaction Service in which we are mostly experienced such as the Financial Due Diligence).
In our Corporate Finance practise we give great attention to the conclusion of the deal in the best interest of the client with a hands-on and effective approach. EqS Equity Studio has also managed debt restructuring and reorganisation processes linked to the downsizing of corporate structures in Italy. EqS Equity Studio clients in the Corporate Finance practise generally include large corporations and institutional investors on the buy side and medium sized Italian companies on the sell side.
Please see our track record in the Corporate Finance area in the “our experience” section.