Strategy and Management Consultancy
We assist companies interested in developing their business in Italy by preparing in-depth marketing analysis and feasibility studies. In our marketing analysis we help the client to better identify the excellence factors that would bring him to success in Italy. We would then develop alternative feasibility studies that we discuss with the client. Once we have identified the most appropriate Feasibility study we would then develop a detailed Business plan for the client's operation.
Our business plan is strictly correlated to the marketing analysis and to the results of the feasibility study. It includes capex, HR and know-how, revenue model and organisation structure in order to monitor all the key factors that would bring to success in Italy. The Business plans takes into consideration all Financial aspects relevant to developing business, including cost of debt and equity, appropriate leverage, alternative sources of financing.
In preparing the Business Plan, our role is often carried on together with the international strategy consultants of the client and we operate in close cooperation with the client's corporate development dept. In our Business Plans we give additional attention to operative and organisation aspects and we are often asked to continue our support to the local vehicle in Italy in organisational aspects such us structuring a sale force or suggesting appropriate training courses. Unlike most strategy and management consultancy firms, we give full operative support in order to help our client in developing his business in Italy.
Please see our track record in Strategy and Management Consultancy, Marketing Analysis and Business Plans in “our experience” section.